Terrible Twos And Toddlers

FREE: Terrible Twos And Toddlers Parenting Tips Presentation: Tips to Effective Parenting

How to deal with Terrible Twos And Toddlers by Chris Thompson – Author, Parenting Expert and Certified NLP Practitioner
Most importantly in this FREE presentation below, you’ll learn:
  • First The only real reason your kids are not well behaved.
  • Second The way most parents talk to their kids, causing them not to do what you want them to dot
  • Third the emotional bridge you MUST establish with your child before you try to change their behavior.
  • Finally the one word you are probably using, which consequently triggers those awful temper tantrums

The terrible twos is a stage in which toddlers begin to struggle between relying on adults and their desire for independence. One minute your child might cling to you, and the next they are running in the opposite direction.

Two-year-olds go through major motor, intellectual, social and emotional changes. Their vocabularies are growing, they’re eager to do things for themselves. They’re discovering that they’re having to follow certain rules. However, most 2-year-olds aren’t able to move as fast as they’d like, communicate their needs or control their feelings. This can lead to misbehavior frustration and tantrums.

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